Customer Information

Customer Information

Order manual

Here you can find information, advice and tips on safe and successful ordering with

If you have already made purchases with Eye-Net Ltd and have set up an online customer account, you can log in to the "My account" area with your customer number and the password sent to you. There you can view your latest orders and re-select the ordered items directly and put them in the shopping cart. You can also change your personal information. The advantage of a personal online account is that you do not need to re-enter your address information for your order. However, for your safety, your credit card details are not saved.

Contact lenses

When ordering, have your contact lens data to hand. After you have chosen a product, select all the necessary data (e.g. strength, radius, colour...) and order quantity. By clicking on "Put in shopping cart", you place the item in the shopping cart.

To place more orders, please carry out these steps again. The selected items are collected in the shopping cart. You can change the desired quantity of each selected product. Click on "Refresh" in order to confirm the change(s) to quantity and in order to recalculate the shopping cart total. If you would prefer not to order a product that you have placed in the shopping cart, click on "Delete".


The selection and ordering of your new glasses with Eye-Net is essentially very straightforward.
Make use of our integrated search and filter function. Choose for example between women's and men's models, and refine your search through filtering by manufacturer, colour, shape, material etc.

Once you have found your glasses of choice, then click on the product. This opens a new page.

When ordering, have your glasses lens data to hand. After you have chosen a product, click on "Configure". This opens a substantial drop-down menu in which you can assemble your new glasses individually. First, please give the glasses lens type (e.g. single vision lenses or progressive lenses). Then select all the necessary data (e.g. strength, cylinder, lens variant...). You can adjust the glasses lenses to your individual choices further along in the ordering process, e.g. thinner glass material, Lotus coating, different tints and glass colours. You can access more detailed information about the selectable options by clicking on the link "Further information" next to it on the right. By clicking on "Put in shopping cart", you place the configured glasses in the shopping cart.

To place more orders, please carry out these steps again. The selected items are collected in the shopping cart. You can change the desired quantity of each selected product. Click on "Refresh" in order to confirm the change(s) to quantity and in order to recalculate the shopping cart total. If you would prefer not to order a product that you have placed in the shopping cart, click on "Delete".

Glasses lenses

Do you already have a glasses frame and need new glasses lenses?
Select the appropriate offer including reglazing service for your glasses type (full frame glasses, partial frame glasses or frameless glasses).

When ordering, have your glasses lens data to hand. After you have chosen a product, click on "Configure". This opens a substantial drop-down menu in which you can assemble new lenses for your glasses individually. First, please give the glasses lens type (e.g. single vision lenses or progressive lenses). Then select all the necessary data (e.g. strength, cylinder, lens variant...) and order quantity. You can adjust the glasses lenses to your individual wishes further along in the ordering process, e.g. thinner glass material, Lotus coating, different tints and glass colours. You can access more detailed information about the selectable options by clicking on the link "Further information" next to it on the right. By clicking on "Put in shopping cart", you place the configured glasses lenses in the shopping cart.

For reglazing your glasses, please send us them immediately and provide the contract number (you will receive this by email). Please use our reglazing form!Einschleifformular!

To place more orders, please carry out these steps again. The selected items are collected in the shopping cart. You can change the desired quantity for each selected product. Click on "Refresh" to confirm quantity change(s) and to recalculate the shopping cart total. If you would prefer not to order a product that you have placed in the shopping cart, click on "Delete".

further items

After you have chosen a product, if necessary select all the required information and the order quantity. By clicking on "Put in shopping cart", you place the item in the shopping cart.

To place more orders, please carry out these steps again. The selected items are collected in the shopping cart. You can change the desired quantity of each selected product. Click "Refresh" to confirm quantity change(s) and to recalculate the shopping cart total. If you would prefer not to order a product that you have placed in the shopping cart, click on "Delete".

Gerne senden wir Ihnen bis zu 4 Korrektionsbrillen zur Ansicht nach Hause. Probieren und Sie die Brillen in Ruhe und lassen sich von der Familie und Freunden beraten. Ganz bequem und ohne Abnahmeverpflichtung.

Die Auswahl und Bestellung Ihrer neuen Brille bei Eye-Net ist ganz einfach.

Nutzen Sie unsere integrierte Such- und Filterfunktion. Wählen Sie z.B. zwischen Damen- und Herrenmodellen, und verfeinern Sie Ihre Auswahl durch filtern nach Hersteller, Farbe, Form, Material uvw.

Haben Sie Ihre Wunschbrille gefunden, dann klicken Sie auf das Produkt. Es öffnet sich eine neue Seite.

Durch klicken auf den "Zur Ansicht bestellen"-Knopf legen Sie Brille den Warenkorb.

Für weitere Brillen führen Sie die Schritte bitte erneut aus. Im Warenkorb werden die ausgewählten Artikel gesammelt. Sie können die gewünschte Menge jedes ausgewählten Produktes ändern. Klicken Sie auf "aktualisieren" um die Mengenänderung(en) zu bestätigen und um den Warenkorb neu zu berechnen. Möchten Sie ein in den Warenkorb gelegtes Produkt nicht bestellen klicken Sie bitte auf "entfernen".

Bei „Bestellung zur Ansicht“ ist für jedes Brillengestell eine Kaution in Höhe des Basis-Verkaufspreises fällig. Die Kaution wird nach Rücksendung natürlich sofort erstattet.

Nach wenigen Tagen sollten Sie die Brillen erhalten haben. Wenn Sie sich für eine Brille entschieden haben, dann bestellen Sie diese bitte komplett mit Ihren individuellen Sehstärken über unseren Online-Shop.

Senden Sie uns die Brillen bitte innerhalb von 14 Tagen zusammen mit dem ausgefüllten Rücksendeformular an uns zurück (weitere Informationen zum Widerruf erhalten Sie hier). Bitte verwenden Sie für eine Rücksendung unbedingt den DHL-Retourenschein, welchen Sie per Email erhalten.


Measuring the pupillary distance

Klicken Sie hier für die PDF-Datei Augenabstand messen

Creating the template:

  • Print this sheet, preferably on slightly thicker paper. Please ensure that the page is not printed in an increased or reduced in size.
  • IMPORTANT: After printing the template, measure it with a ruler for the millimetre-scaling in order to be sure that printing took place on a 1:1 scale!!!
  • Cut out the template along the outlines.
  • Fold it along the central line.

Measuring eye distance/pupillar distance:

  • Stand in front of a mirror or ask another person to help you with the measurement.
  • The ideal distance to the mirror is around 60cm, which corresponds to about an arm's length.
  • Align the template to your eyes as shown in the diagram so that your pupils are still visible.
  • PD1 always refers to the right eye from your perspective, and PD2 is your left eye from your perspective.

Measuring in front of the mirror

  • First close your left eye and look into your pupil in the mirror with your open right eye. At the same time read the value calculated from the scale. If you cannot see the template clearly you can of course also carry out the measurement with your old glasses or contact lenses.
  • Now, similarly, repeat the measurement for your left eye.
  • This measurement can provide different results for the two eyes.
  • Repeat the measurement if necessary in order to avoid possible errors in the measurement.

Measuring with someone else's help

  • If someone helps you in the calculation of your eye distance, please do the following.
  • Face each other at about an arm's length.
  • For measuring, the person helping has his right eye closed, and you also have your right eye closed. Look at the person helping with both eyes directly in his open left eye. The person helping reads the measurement from the template. Similarly, repeat the measurement for your left eye. The person helping closes his left eye and you look with both of your eyes into his open right eye.
  • This measurement can provide different results for the two eyes.
  • Repeat the measurement if necessary in order to avoid possible errors in the measurement.

Mit einem Klick zur perfekten Passform!

Sie suchen die perfekte Passform für Ihre Brille? Mit der innovativen Gesichtsformanalyse von Eye-Net können Sie nun bequem, schnell und einfach am Computer Ihren individuellen Gesichtstyp bestimmen!

Machen Sie mehr aus sich!

Verpassen Sie jetzt Ihrer Attraktivität den letzten Schliff - denn Brillen sind weit mehr als nur Sehhilfen: Ein perfekt passendes Gestell von Eye-Net kann die Vorzüge Ihres Gesichts betonen und die charakteristischen Konturen attraktiv herausheben. Vertrauen Sie auf unsere langjährigen Erfahrungen und testen Sie jetzt die einzigartige Typ-Analyse von Eye-Net!

Gesichtsformen und Proportionen

Klicken Sie auf das Gesicht, welches am ehesten Ihrer Gesichtsform entspricht...

Runde Gesichtsform
Eckige Brillenormen geben dem runden Gesicht Akzente. Nur Mut: Legen Sie die falsche Scheu vor markanten Fassungen ab! Betonen Sie vor allem die Augenpartie!
Rechteckige Gesichtsform
Betonen Sie maßvoll die Breite des Gesichts durch markante Bügel und auffällige Gläser. Vermeiden Sie übertrieben eckige oder sehr schmale Fassungen!
Ovale Gesichtsform
Dem ovalen Gesichtstyp steht die ganze Vielfalt der Brillenwelt offen: Ob auffallende, rechteckige Fassungen oder farbige Akzente – fast alle Kombinationen passen zu diesem Typ.
Herzförmige GesichtsformVorteilhaft sind leichte, grazile Fassungen. Unser Geheimtipp: Bohrbrillen, die fast ohne Fassung auskommt, können die dreieckigen Proportionen des Gesichts ausgleichen.
Trapezförmige Gesichtsform
Um den oberen Gesichtsbereich zu betonen, sind ovale, eckige oder geschwungene Brillenform mit aufsteigenden Konturen zu empfehlen.


Welche Brille passt zu einem herzförmigen Gesicht?

herzförmiges Gesicht

Das herzförmige Gesicht verjüngt sich nach unten und wirkt leicht dreieckig. Der Haaransatz ist eher breiter, die Stirn-Augen-Partie ausgeprägt. Die Kontur verläuft zum Kinn deutlich schmal.

Vorteilhaft sind leichte, grazile Fassungen.

Bohrbrillen, die fast ohne Fassung auskommt, können die dreieckigen Proportionen des Gesichts ausgleichen. Zu empfehlen sind auch runde, ovale oder abgerundete Formen.


Tipps zur Brille

Wir raten ab von starken Fassungen in grellen Farben!


Welche Brille passt zu einem ovalen Gesicht?

ovales Gesicht

Das ovale Gesicht zeichnet sich aus durch ausgewogene
Proportionen mit gleichmäßiger äußerer Kontur.

Das Kinn ist sanft gerundet, die Wangenknochen

Dem ovalen Gesichtstyp steht die ganze Vielfalt der
Brillenwelt offen: Ob auffallende, rechteckige Fassungen
oder farbige Akzente – fast alle Kombinationen passen zu
diesem Typ. 


Tipps zur Brille

Achten Sie auf ein ausgewogenes Verhältnis zwischen
vertikaler und horizontaler Betonung!


Welche Brille passt zu einem runden Gesicht?

rundes Gesicht

Das runde Gesicht hat eine weiche äußere Kontur wirkt eher kreisförmig.

Eckige Brillenormen geben dem runden Gesicht Akzente.

Nur Mut: Legen Sie die falsche Scheu vor markanten Fassungen ab!

Betonen Sie vor allem die Augenpartie!


Tipps zur Brille

Zu kleine und rundliche Fassungen sind bei diesem Gesichtstyp nicht sinnvoll!


Welche Brille passt zu einem trapezförmigen Gesicht?

trapezfoermiges Gesicht

Beim trapezförmigen Gesicht ist der Wangenbereich relativ ausgeprägt. Die Stirn ist Vergleichsweise schmal, die Kinnpartie markant.

Um den oberen Gesichtsbereich zu betonen, sind ovale, eckige oder geschwungene Brillenform mit aufsteigenden Konturen zu empfehlen.


Tipps zur Brille

Verzichten Sie auf Akzente, die den unteren Teil des Gesichts hervorheben!


Was ist ein Bifokalglas?

Bifokalgläser korrigieren die Alterssichtigkeit und ermöglichen deutliches Sehen ferner und naher Objekte. Allerdings werden Objekte in mittleren Distanzen unscharf gesehen. Zwischen dem Fern- und Nahbereich verläuft eine sichtbare Trennlinie. Dies führt nicht nur zu Einschränkungen im Sehkomfort, sondern wird zumeist auch als sehr unästhetisch empfunden.

Gibt es spezielle Gläser zum Lesen?

Meist werden Einstärkengläser zum Lesen verwendet, aber es gibt auch spezielle Nahgläser, mit denen Sie einen größeren Nahbereich bis ca. 80cm überblicken können.

Was ist ein Gleitsichtglas?

Gleitsichtgläser ermöglichen das Sehen von nahen bis fernen Objekten. Sie bieten eine uneingeschränkte Sehschärfe in allen Entfernungen (Fern-, Nah- und Zwischenbereiche) ohne Trennlinien zwischen den einzelnen Sehbereichen.

Wie verläuft die Eingewöhnung bei Gleitsichtgläsern?

Die neuesten Gleitsichtgläser sind dem natürlichen Sehen optimal angepasst, dadurch ist eine spontane Gewöhnung innerhalb kürzester Zeit gewährleistet.

Gibt es spezielle Computerarbeitsbrillen?

Ja, diese Gläser sind speziell für die Arbeit am Bildschirm konzipiert. Sie ermöglichen deutliches Sehen von Tastatur und Bildschirm ohne lästige, zusätzliche Kopfbewegungen.

Was bewirkt eine Entspiegelung?

Eine Entspiegelung reduziert störende Lichtreflexe und erhöht so den Kontrast beim Sehen. Zum Beispiel beim Autofahren in der Nacht werden Blendungserscheinungen von entgegenkommenden Fahrzeugen durch entspiegelte Brillengläser gemindert.

Ist eine Entspiegelung nur Autofahrern zu empfehlen?

Nicht nur Autofahrer profitieren von einer Entspiegelung, denn die Lichtdurchlässigkeit und Transparenz des Glases erhöht sich durch ein Entspiegelung. Entspiegelte Brillengläser wirken ästhetischer, denn Ihr Gesprächspartner sieht nicht nur Ihre Brillengläser, sondern kann Ihnen direkt in die Augen schauen.

Welche Vorteile haben Filtertönungen?

Filtertönungen wirken kontraststeigernd und ermöglichen ein ermüdungsfreies, angenehmes Sehen, besonders bei künstlichem Licht oder bei Bildschirmarbeit, da der blaue Lichtanteil rausgefiltert wird.

Wie schütze ich meine Augen vor UV-Strahlung?

Vor allem in Gebieten mit starker Sonneneinstrahlung sollten Sie Sonnengläser mit UV-Filter tragen um Ihre Augen zu schützen.

Welche Vorteile haben selbsttönende Gläser?

Selbsttönende Gläser sind universell einsetzbar, denn sie passen sich in kürzester Zeit den gegebenen Lichtverhältnissen an und bieten sowohl im Raum, als auch im Sonnenschein optimalen Komfort. Sie bieten Ihnen im Raum die Vorzüge eines hellen, transparenten Brillenglases und im Sonnenschein durch die Eindunkelung optimalen Schutz und Komfort.

Warum werden phototrope Gläser beim Autofahren nicht richtig dunkel?

Phototrope Gläser benötigen zum Eindunkeln UV-Licht. Die Autoscheibe hat aber eine Filterwirkung, so dass weniger UV-Licht auf die Glasoberfläche trifft und das Glas sich nicht maximal eintönt. Die erreichte Tönung gewährleistet dem Autofahrer aber ausreichend Blendschutz, da er ja nicht direkt der Sonne ausgesetzt ist.

Wie pflege ich meine Brillengläser?

Am besten reinigt man Brillengläser unter fließend Wasser oder mit einem Brillenspray. Ist dies nicht möglich, reiben Sie Ihre Gläser mit einem weichen Microfasertuch ab.

Kann man zerkratzte Gläser wieder polieren?

Nein, da die Brillengläser oft entspiegelt oder getönt sind und sich außerdem durch eine erneute Politur die Oberflächenform und somit die Glaswirkung verändern würde. Deshalb ist es wichtig Ihre Brillengläser optimal zu pflegen.

Eye Advisor

Glasses lenses

Single vision lenses are glasses lenses for which the construction only has one dioptric effect. They are mainly used for single-vision distance glasses or single-vision reading glasses.

For multifocal lenses (bifocal or trifocal lenses) a special surface is applied for near vision and as necessary another for mid-distance vision. The advantage of this is that the irritating process of having to change glasses or view items over the edge of the glasses is avoided. In contrast to progressive lenses, there is also a visible divide between the two areas of vision.
Bifocal-glasses lenses allow people with presbyopia clear vision at two different distances, mostly for long-sighted and near-sightedness. Due to an additional lens in the lower part of the glass, a bifocal lens has two different dioptric effects (distance and near).

A progressive lens is a modern glasses lens for the correction of presbyopia. The eye lens curves markedly according to distance of the object. With presbyopia the elasticity of the lens is restricted – it hardens and thickens. The adjustment of the eye to an object that is close-to is made more difficult and the consequences are problems first and foremost with reading and working at close range. The first sign of this is the habit of holding books or magazines further away. Reading glasses for the focus range of even around 40cm can help with this. For other areas of use, multifocal or progressive lenses are more comfortable.

Progressive lenses allow people with presbyopia clear distance to near vision, i.e. in contrast to bifocal lenses, all the focal ranges in between as well. At first sight, a progressive lens is similar to a single vision lens as the lens does not have a visible divide.

Computer lenses: As clear vision in the middle distance is not always possible for presbyopes with single-vision reading glasses (e.g. on the computer), reading glasses are increasingly used in an increased field of vision (office lenses).

Glasses lens values:


The spherical value is in dioptres and you need this in order to be able to see clearly again. As a rule, this value is given first and can be indicated with a positive (+) or negative (-) symbol.


Provision of the cylinder value is generally not required, and is only in the case of astigmatism. As a rule, this value is given second and can be indicated with a positive (+) or negative (-) symbol. If there is a cylinder value on your prescription, a value must also be given for the axis.


If you need a cylinder value, you will also always find the axis value on your prescription. This value is given in 1° steps from 0°-180°.


The additional value is necessary for ordering bifocal (two-strength) or progressive (multifocal) glasses. This value is as a rule the same for both eyes and is abbreviated with NV or ADD.

Pupillary distance

The distance between the centre of the pupils in both eyes to the middle of the bridge of the nose is referred to as the pupillary distance (PD). It should be noted in producing a pair of glasses so that the optical axes of the glasses lenses agree with those in the eyes.

Glasses lens refraction index

Our recommendation for the relevant dioptric values
The higher the index (refractive index), the more the light is refracted. Glasses lenses with higher refractive index therefore refract light more. That means: the higher the index, the thinner and lighter the lenses are.

Plus lens (+) Minus lens (-)
Dioptre (+/-)
0,00 - 2,50
2,50 - 4,00
4,00 - 6,00
6,00 - 8,00
8,00 - 10,00
über 10,00
Index (plastic lens)
1,50 oder 1,60
1,60 oder 1,67
1,67 oder 1,74
auf Anfrage
Index (mineral lens)
1,50 oder 1,60
1,60 oder 1,70
1,70 oder 1,80
1,80 oder 1,90

Lens option:

Anti-reflective coating

  • Clearer and more distinct vision

  • Minimise distracting sheen

  • Maximise transparency (increased light translucence)

  • Better vision at night
    and twilight

It also has the secondary aesthetically pleasing effect on your appearance - your eyes are more easily discernible!

Hard layer
Plastic lenses are generally lighter but more susceptible to scratches than mineral lenses. For better protection, a hard layer is applied to the surface of all lenses on glasses from Eye-Net. This protects the lenses better against scratches and other wear and tear.

Clean Coat
All Eye-Net glasses lenses have this additional layer, meaning that cleaning is easier and more effective.

High Tech Coating – "Lotus coating"
Everyone has been talking about "Lotus coating" for some years.

Surfaces are extremely dirt-repellent and considerably easier to clean with this innovative nano-coating.

Tints - fine, fashionable nuance or intensive tinting

There are different tints in different tinting stages. These indicate how dark a lens is and therefore how much light reaches the eyes.

Man spricht von einer When the lens has a colouration of 8-15%, it is called a light filter tint. This colouring is advisable if you are going to wear the glasses in artificial lighting conditions a lot, for example in an office, in front of the PC etc. Because in this way the lighting is registered as less uncomfortable and the eyes therefore do not tire as quickly.

A 75% tint is advisable for sunglasses, and for extreme light conditions such as skiing or water-sports 85%.

Lenses with a tint of more than 25% must not be worn when driving at night.

Phototropic - lenses that change colour
Lenses that change colour due to their chemical composition are referred to by specialists as "phototropic lenses". These colour-changing lenses adjust to very diverse environmental light conditions.
Their very comfortable, changing translucence is based on molecular changes in UV light, dependent on the ambient temperature. Your glasses therefore do not react primarily to brightness but to invisible UV light. This means that your lenses are at maximum brightness in warm, closed spaces and at maximum darkness outdoors in the sunshine and low temperatures. This however also means that lenses can darken in overcast conditions and on the other hand stay relatively light when driving due to the UV-light-blocking windscreen.
An additional pair of sunglasses can be a useful complement.

Progressive lenses


Progressive lens:
Standard (Classic)

Progressive lens:
Comfort (Classic)

Progressive lens:
Premium (Classic)

  • the right prescription for every focal range
  • cosmetically very attractive
  • invisible reading section
  • additional larger fields of vision and therefore a higher level of comfort for distance, mid-range and close vision
  • Steady vision without jumping between images
  • more comfortable wear due to natural head posture
  • in addition are considerably thinner and lighter
  • particularly comfortable to wear due to lower weight
  • best material and highest level of tolerance
  • optimum adjustment
    to your lens strength
  • fast and effective acclimatisation

Premium Freeform internal progression

Due to their design, internal progression Freeform progressive lenses are thinner than classic external progression lenses with the same lens power and material. For internal progression lenses, the optically effective surface is on the inside of the lens, that is the side near the eye.

The internal progression surface structure of the lenses means a greatly increased field of vision. In contract to classic progressive lenses, for which the optically effective area is on the outside, with these Freeform progressive lenses you achieve an up to 30 percent larger field of vision. With Freeform progressive lenses you therefore have a larger focus area than was the case with classic progressive lenses. In addition, optic image defects and the "image jumps" that are typical for progressive lenses are effectively avoided with the internal progression progressive lenses.
Practical example:
For conventional progressive lenses, the progressive process is on the front surface and the internal receiving surface. The shape magnification of a lens is always dependent on the outer curve. Example: a front surface has a base curve of +2.5 dpt for distance and an additional value of 2.5 dpt (base curve near +5.0 dpt). Therefore the outside curve over the entire lens area varies from 2.5 to 5.0 dpt. This means that diverse shape magnifications occur, in this example at a factor of 2. This shape magnification causes adaptation issues that are referred to with the term "irritating distortion". With a rear surface progressive design in Freeform technology, the front surface is spherical, meaning that the shape magnification is the same across the entire lens surface.

Eye-Net Freeform progressive glasses are compatible in all price ranges and with one another!

Why is this Freeform family compatible?
The design process is harmonised (see sketch).

The difference in price is decided on the basis of the mid and reading distances, and its design is calculated by the software.

For this, the depth of the algorithms/ calculations is key.

The higher-value the design, the more time it takes to complete the calculation and production (e.g. cutting, polishing).

Care of your glasses

In order to keep your glasses protected against scratches for a long time, they need gentle cleaning and optimum care. When out and about you can give your glasses a dry cleaning with a soft microfiber cloth. This smooths dust and light impurities and easily removes them from your lenses.

For cleaning your glasses, use no materials that could damage your lenses.

Plastic lenses are particularly susceptible to scratches. Lenses made of glass or plastic coating could likewise be damaged by using hard materials.

Never clean your lenses with paper handkerchiefs, your jumper sleeves or your t-shirt.

Damp towels are also not optimum for cleaning glasses as they could damage coated lenses.

Scratches that only appear due to incorrect care cannot be removed, even by grinding.

Scratches make your lenses blurred. This hinders your sight and these flaws also look untidy.

Handling and Shipping Costs

Shipping within Germany

Delivery within Germany is free. It is also possible to deliver to packstations.

Within Germany, you can pay with cash on delivery. Please note that this increase the amount payable to 3.90 euros. Moreover, an additional fee of 2.00 euros is due to the deliverer, and he collects this locally.

Shipping to other countries

For shipping to EU countries and Non-EU countries, we bill 8.50 euros per order total.

The transport company contracted by us attempts to deliver the product several times before returning the product to us. If a delivery to the address provided by you fails due to incorrect data being provided or similar, the shipping costs must be paid again. This also applies for cash on delivery packages. We therefore recommend providing an address to which delivery is possible (e.g. your work place).

Please also be aware that for shipments to Non-EU countries, the customs duty can mean additional fees.

For more information on tariffs, see example below
and import VAT under
and specially for Switzerland


We offer the following payment options:


After completing your order, please transfer the invoice amount to the following account:
Account holder: Eye-Net Ltd.
Account number: 50551621
BIN: 72150000
Bank name: Sparkasse Ingolstadt
For international transfers, please use the following data:
IBAN: DE74 7215 0000 0050 5516 21
Reference: please make absolutely sure you give your order or invoice number.
Cash on delivery

Cash on delivery

Within Germany, you can pay with cash on delivery. Please note that this increases the amount payable to 3.90 euros. Moreover, an additional fee of 2.00 euros is due to the deliverer, and he collects this locally.

Sofortüberweisung (instant transfer)

Sofortü offers an easy-to-use direct transfer process with a high-level safety of online banking and TÜV-checked data protection. You neither need to register nor load into a suspense account or own a credit card. As a secure payment form, which traders cannot access, sofortü makes a transfer into the end user's online-banking account automatically and in real-time. The purchase amount is transferred directly to the trader's bank account and the trader immediately receives a real-time confirmation. You can pay with sofortü if you are a customer of most banks in the following countries:
United Kingdom


PayPal is an online payment service that can be used to pay safely, easily and quickly. This an easy way to describe PayPal. It is the online payment service for a new generation and made for everyone who want to shop or sell online. You enjoy an extra level of safety and an overview of all transactions. In addition to this, paying with PayPal is always free.


Paying online is easy and safe worldwide with ClickandBuy. With ClickandBuy, you can pay for your online purchases with just one click.

Payment by invoice

coming soon!!

Matter of feeling: We work on

"You just feel good with you guys" - we hear that a lot from our customers. How does this happen? Maybe it’s because we’re all experts in our field and know what our customers want for their eyes. You can benefit from our expertise too, because good vision is part of your personal quality of life. Our exquisite quality in combination with sensationally low prices have already been able to convince thousands of customers. Our short delivery times and assured reliability probably also have something to do with it...

We implement all these parts of our philosophy every day. Delivering quality has always been our goal, whilst also being strong in those areas where others are lacking. In short: With us, the whole package should be right. And it really is.

EYE-NET helps!

Your old glasses found in developing countries around the world rewarding carrier.

Send your old glasses at Eye-Net Ltd., we collect your glasses, measure the diopter, and pass them on to a central office, whichdistributes them to needy people around the world.

How necessary this assistance is shown by the example of Africa: There is a pair of glasses is the equivalent of 6-8 months' salary, is prohibitively so for most of the people living there. Another problem is the cost of travel to the nearest optician, this is itusually only about 1,000 km away. In addition, people in Africa are statistically only a specialist in ophthalmology at one millionpeople.

A little bit of postage and packing (please do not send non-free) can help a person new to see and make happy.

For more background, visit
Thank you for your help!
Eye-Net Team

Data protection and privacy

Consent for the processing of personal data

In accordance with legal requirements, we intend to inform you by means of this privacy statement about which of your personal data is stored. Our company believes that the protection of your personal data is an important issue that should be taken seriously. Therefore the collection, storage and processing or transmission of our customers' data always takes place in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations and other regulations.

When you enter your data, we store the data you provide in the customer form. Your data will not be passed on to third parties except the companies involved in the execution of the contract.

Consent and revocation options for data protection

With the provision of your personal data and acceptance of this privacy statement, you declare your agreement to the storage of your data in accordance with this data privacy statement. You expressly give this consent by providing your customer data.

You can access the content of your statement of consent (this text) at any time.

You also have the right to receive information about your stored personal data free of charge. In this event, please contact us at the following email address:

You have the right to revoke your consent for the storage of your data at any time with immediate effect. You can send the revocation to us in written form or by email to following address:

Eye-Net Ltd.
Besoldstrasse 1a
85049 Ingolstadt

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). 
Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. 
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On behalf of the website provider Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage to the website provider. 
Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. 
You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. However, please note that if you do this, you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. 
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Further information concerning the terms and conditions of use and data privacy can be found at or at 
Please note that on this website, Google Analytics code is supplemented by “gat._anonymizeIp();” to ensure an anonymized collection of IP addresses (so called IP-masking).


General terms and conditions (AGB), EYE-NET e.K., Ferdinand-Maria-Str. 23 1/2, 85051 Ingolstadt, Deutschland Published 29st January 2019

1. Prices/terms of payment

The prices plus shipping costs shown at the time the order is placed apply. All prices are given in EURO and include the additional VAT, which is currently 19%. We expect your payment within 7 working days. For this, please note the duration of the transfer credit note of around 2 to 4 working days. The goods remain the property of EYE-NET Vertrieb Ltd. until completion of payment.

2. Delivery times

In our company, we put great importance on very quick and very reliable delivery of your order. Therefore handover to the parcel service takes place at the latest 6 days after receipt of payment, and at the latest 14 days after receipt of payment for custom-made products (individually manufactured lenses and glasses). You will receive a confirmation of shipment by email. If, as an exception, handover to the parcel service is delayed, we will of course inform you of this.

3. Shipping costs

The relevant shipping costs are taken from the article description. The transport company contracted by us attempts to deliver the product three times in each case before returning the product to us. If a delivery to the address provided by you fails due to incorrect data provided or similar, the shipping costs must be paid again. We therefore recommend providing an address to which delivery is possible (e.g. your work place).

4. Right to revocation/revocation policy/consequences of revocation

Right to revocation

You may revoke your contractual declaration within 14 days without giving a reason; this can be in written form (e. g. letter, fax or email) or, if the item is conveyed to you before the deadline, by returning the item. The term begins after receipt of this instruction in text form but not before the recipient receives the goods (in case of recurring deliveries of the same type of goods not before receiving the first partial delivery) and not before we have met our information duties and other duties in accordance with article 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 paragraph 1 and 2 of the Introductory Act to the German Civil Code (EGBGB) and our duties in accordance with § 312e paragraph 1 sentence 2 of the German Civil Code (BGB) in conjunction with article 246 § 3 EGBGB. In order to ensure that revocation takes place within the term, send the revocation or the item punctually.

The revocation should be sent to:

Vertretungsberechtigter/Director: Karl-Heinz Müller
Ferdinand-Maria-Str. 23 1/2
85051 Ingolstadt
Fax: (+49) 841 951 989 43

Consequences of revocation

In the event of effective withdrawal any mutually received services are to be refunded and possible benefits derived (e.g. interest) to be returned. Should you not be able to return the goods or only return them partially or in a deteriorated condition then you will be obligated to provide a value replacement. In the case of goods surrendered this does not apply if the deterioration of the goods is brought about solely by their inspection, such as would have been possible for you e.g. in a retail shop. For deterioration brought about by the usual use of the item, you do not need to provide compensation.

Goods that can be sent by parcel post should be returned to us at our risk. You must bear the cost of returning if the delivered goods are in conformity with those ordered and if the price of the items returned does not exceed an amount of 40 euros or if in the case of a higher price of the goods at the time of revocation you have not yet performed the return service or any partial payment. Please note that we do not accept any deliveries that are not prepaid! Otherwise, returning items is free of charge for you. You are reimbursed for postage. Items that cannot be sent by parcel post are collected from you. Obligations for reimbursing payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The term begins for you when you send your declaration of revocation or the item, and for us when we receive that declaration.

There is no right to revocation in the case of delivery of goods manufactured to customer specifications or clearly tailored to the personal needs of the purchaser (e.g. glasses including individually customised lenses).

End of revocation policy

5. Health guidelines

You already wear contact lenses and are very familiar with the handling and care of these. You undertake regular check-ups at the optician to avoid injuries to the eyes. Neither by a master optician nor an ophthalmologist has discouraged you from wearing contact lenses The contact lens data you provide agrees with the information resulting from a fitting carried out by a master optician or ophthalmologist and is not older than 12 months. EYE-NET Vertrieb Ltd. is not responsible for you using and handling contact lenses and maintenance products ordered with us incorrectly (see disclaimer of liability).

6. Health notice

When wearing contact lenses, regular checks with a contact lens specialist are necessary. Only he can offer you optimal advice regarding your personal requirements following a thorough examination. We recommend getting this done every 6 months. Only order contact lenses that have been selected as appropriate for you by your contact lens specialist, and the parameters of which you are familiar with. Please also co-ordinate every change of type of lens with your contact lens specialist. Please heed your contact lens specialist's cleaning advice. It is not permitted to exceed the wearing times given in the appendix to the packaging. The period starts specifically with opening the sterile contact lens blister, independent of the actual wear time. Exceeding the wear time recommended by manufacturer is associated with a lack of oxygen to the cornea, resulting in irreversible damage. So please don't just try to save a few euros in the short run. The consequences are immeasurable.

7. Disclaimer of liability

We shall assume no warranty for damage to be put down to unsuitable or improper use, non-observance of guidance on use or incorrect or negligent treatment (see confirmation as contact lens wearer and health notice).

8. Product depictions

The product depictions may in individual cases differ from the appearance of the delivered products.

9. Data protection

All addresses and order data are stored by us only for the purpose of completion of contract and in order to give you access to your personal shopping area. Your personal information is of course not passed on or sold to third parties.

10. Place of fulfilment/jurisdiction for traders

In business transactions with traders, the place of fulfilment for delivery and payment is our place of business Ingolstadt. Furthermore, in business transactions with traders Ingolstadt is agreed as the place of jurisdiction for all suits arising from this contract; we are also entitled to file a suit at the place of business of the purchaser.

11. Legal information

German branch:
Ferdinand-Maria-Str. 23 1/2
85051 Ingolstadt

Authorised representative/director:

Karl-Heinz Müller
Tel: (+49) 841 951 989 44
Fax: (+49) 841 951 989 43
VAT ID.: DE322268992

General terms and conditions (AGB), EYE-NET e.K., Ferdinand-Maria-Str. 23 1/2, 85051 Ingolstadt, Deutschland Published 29st January 2019

1. Prices/terms of payment

The prices plus shipping costs shown at the time the order is placed apply. All prices are given in EURO and include the additional VAT, which is currently 19%. We expect your payment within 7 working days. For this, please note the duration of the transfer credit note of around 2 to 4 working days. The goods remain the property of EYE-NET Vertrieb Ltd. until completion of payment.

2. Delivery times

In our company, we put great importance on very quick and very reliable delivery of your order. Therefore handover to the parcel service takes place at the latest 6 days after receipt of payment, and at the latest 14 days after receipt of payment for custom-made products (individually manufactured lenses and glasses). You will receive a confirmation of shipment by email. If, as an exception, handover to the parcel service is delayed, we will of course inform you of this.

3. Shipping costs

The relevant shipping costs are taken from the article description. The transport company contracted by us attempts to deliver the product three times in each case before returning the product to us. If a delivery to the address provided by you fails due to incorrect data provided or similar, the shipping costs must be paid again. We therefore recommend providing an address to which delivery is possible (e.g. your work place).

4. Right to revocation/revocation policy/consequences of revocation

Right to revocation

You may revoke your contractual declaration within 14 days without giving a reason; this can be in written form (e. g. letter, fax or email) or, if the item is conveyed to you before the deadline, by returning the item. The term begins after receipt of this instruction in text form but not before the recipient receives the goods (in case of recurring deliveries of the same type of goods not before receiving the first partial delivery) and not before we have met our information duties and other duties in accordance with article 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 paragraph 1 and 2 of the Introductory Act to the German Civil Code (EGBGB) and our duties in accordance with § 312e paragraph 1 sentence 2 of the German Civil Code (BGB) in conjunction with article 246 § 3 EGBGB. In order to ensure that revocation takes place within the term, send the revocation or the item punctually.

The revocation should be sent to:

Vertretungsberechtigter/Director: Karl-Heinz Müller
Ferdinand-Maria-Str. 23 1/2
85051 Ingolstadt
Fax: (+49) 841 951 989 43

Consequences of revocation

In the event of effective withdrawal any mutually received services are to be refunded and possible benefits derived (e.g. interest) to be returned. Should you not be able to return the goods or only return them partially or in a deteriorated condition then you will be obligated to provide a value replacement. In the case of goods surrendered this does not apply if the deterioration of the goods is brought about solely by their inspection, such as would have been possible for you e.g. in a retail shop. For deterioration brought about by the usual use of the item, you do not need to provide compensation.

Goods that can be sent by parcel post should be returned to us at our risk. You must bear the cost of returning if the delivered goods are in conformity with those ordered and if the price of the items returned does not exceed an amount of 40 euros or if in the case of a higher price of the goods at the time of revocation you have not yet performed the return service or any partial payment. Please note that we do not accept any deliveries that are not prepaid! Otherwise, returning items is free of charge for you. You are reimbursed for postage. Items that cannot be sent by parcel post are collected from you. Obligations for reimbursing payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The term begins for you when you send your declaration of revocation or the item, and for us when we receive that declaration.

There is no right to revocation in the case of delivery of goods manufactured to customer specifications or clearly tailored to the personal needs of the purchaser (e.g. glasses including individually customised lenses).

End of revocation policy

5. Health guidelines

You already wear contact lenses and are very familiar with the handling and care of these. You undertake regular check-ups at the optician to avoid injuries to the eyes. Neither by a master optician nor an ophthalmologist has discouraged you from wearing contact lenses The contact lens data you provide agrees with the information resulting from a fitting carried out by a master optician or ophthalmologist and is not older than 12 months. EYE-NET Vertrieb Ltd. is not responsible for you using and handling contact lenses and maintenance products ordered with us incorrectly (see disclaimer of liability).

6. Health notice

When wearing contact lenses, regular checks with a contact lens specialist are necessary. Only he can offer you optimal advice regarding your personal requirements following a thorough examination. We recommend getting this done every 6 months. Only order contact lenses that have been selected as appropriate for you by your contact lens specialist, and the parameters of which you are familiar with. Please also co-ordinate every change of type of lens with your contact lens specialist. Please heed your contact lens specialist's cleaning advice. It is not permitted to exceed the wearing times given in the appendix to the packaging. The period starts specifically with opening the sterile contact lens blister, independent of the actual wear time. Exceeding the wear time recommended by manufacturer is associated with a lack of oxygen to the cornea, resulting in irreversible damage. So please don't just try to save a few euros in the short run. The consequences are immeasurable.

7. Disclaimer of liability

We shall assume no warranty for damage to be put down to unsuitable or improper use, non-observance of guidance on use or incorrect or negligent treatment (see confirmation as contact lens wearer and health notice).

8. Product depictions

The product depictions may in individual cases differ from the appearance of the delivered products.

9. Data protection

All addresses and order data are stored by us only for the purpose of completion of contract and in order to give you access to your personal shopping area. Your personal information is of course not passed on or sold to third parties.

10. Place of fulfilment/jurisdiction for traders

In business transactions with traders, the place of fulfilment for delivery and payment is our place of business Ingolstadt. Furthermore, in business transactions with traders Ingolstadt is agreed as the place of jurisdiction for all suits arising from this contract; we are also entitled to file a suit at the place of business of the purchaser.

11. Legal information

German branch:
Ferdinand-Maria-Str. 23 1/2
85051 Ingolstadt

Authorised representative/director:

Karl-Heinz Müller
Tel: (+49) 841 951 989 44
Fax: (+49) 841 951 989 43
VAT ID.: DE322268992



Ferdinand-Maria-Str. 23 1/2
85051 Ingolstadt


Karl-Heinz Müller

Tel: (+49) 841 951 989 44
Fax: (+49) 841 951 989 43

Ust-Identnr.: DE322268992



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